
  • Preparing for Public Release

    To be done

    The complete version of “Fitness & Workout Diary: GiiM” will be available for download, incorporating all features refined through user feedback.

  • Workouts Progress

    To be done

    We are plan to integrating “Workouts Progress”, a feature that will enable detailed analytics and visualization of your workout achievements.

  • Workout Live Activities

    To be done

    The upcoming “Workout Live Activities” feature will allow you to monitor your workouts dynamically, enhancing your training experience.

  • Public Beta Test Occurred

    June 2024

    We extended testing to a broader audience. Your participation and feedback will be vital in shaping the final version of the app.

  • Official Product Site Launched

    June 2024

    Visit our newly launched product site for comprehensive information and updates on “Fitness & Workout Diary: GiiM”.

  • TestFlight Release Achieved

    Early 2024

    Thanks to early feedback from TestFlight users, we are refining the app to meet your fitness tracking needs more effectively.

  • Project Initiation Completed

    End of 2023

    We've successfully initiated the development of “Fitness & Workout Diary: GiiM”, setting a solid foundation for an advanced fitness tracking app.

© 2024 Jakub Bednar